Nokia N8 – Double Trouble
So, whats better than the new Nokia N8?

Or you may have thought so... But in this case, its not... as sadly the 1st of these brand new Nokia N8's was faulty out the box, randomly rebooting itself via the white screen every minute of so. You could put this down to a number of things, I'll leave you to it. I ran a hard reset on it (Volume Down PLUS Camera PLUS Menu Button whilst you turn it on whilst holding those keys) which totally removed both Ovi Maps and Ovi Store. (so only do it as a last resort as I and other users have had serious issues trying to get those apps back on the handset). What to do, what to do I thought... but,
The cool people over at WOMWORLD/Nokia (who kindly lent me the Nokia N8 in the first place so... we could talk about it) rapidly sent out a new one that is workingperfectly almost perfectly.
You'll find plenty of blog posts around about the N8. Some praising, some slamming, but either way I look at it, the working N8 is a good handset.
I'm not looking to compare it and say,
... I'm just looking at it from a what gets on my wick about it and what I love about it. I know at the end of the day, this phone should be perfectly capable of making calls, taking pictures, sending mail, browsing the net etc., so I'm not worried. I'm more interested in how it performs with it being the first incarnation of the new Symbian^3 OS.
So, a few posts during the time I have the handset I'll drop some comments on it. If you want to know anything, ask away.
After the disappointment of the 1st device flopping, I could be falling into a "much happier" zone with this N8, but I do like the phone and its big touchscreen (3.5"; Resolution: 16:9 nHD (640 x 360 pixels) AMOLED), smooth paint job and quality build feel. First impressions have me absolutely LOVING the camera but getting annoyed at the touchscreen keyboard.
Anyway, Im leaving this post here for now, and I'll pic up some more specific looks at the N8 in the following posts.
Anything you want to know?
2 Nokia N8's!

Or you may have thought so... But in this case, its not... as sadly the 1st of these brand new Nokia N8's was faulty out the box, randomly rebooting itself via the white screen every minute of so. You could put this down to a number of things, I'll leave you to it. I ran a hard reset on it (Volume Down PLUS Camera PLUS Menu Button whilst you turn it on whilst holding those keys) which totally removed both Ovi Maps and Ovi Store. (so only do it as a last resort as I and other users have had serious issues trying to get those apps back on the handset). What to do, what to do I thought... but,
The cool people over at WOMWORLD/Nokia (who kindly lent me the Nokia N8 in the first place so... we could talk about it) rapidly sent out a new one that is working
You'll find plenty of blog posts around about the N8. Some praising, some slamming, but either way I look at it, the working N8 is a good handset.
I'm not looking to compare it and say,
Hey, This N8 is better than an HTC or a BlackBerry or an iPhone
... I'm just looking at it from a what gets on my wick about it and what I love about it. I know at the end of the day, this phone should be perfectly capable of making calls, taking pictures, sending mail, browsing the net etc., so I'm not worried. I'm more interested in how it performs with it being the first incarnation of the new Symbian^3 OS.
So, a few posts during the time I have the handset I'll drop some comments on it. If you want to know anything, ask away.
After the disappointment of the 1st device flopping, I could be falling into a "much happier" zone with this N8, but I do like the phone and its big touchscreen (3.5"; Resolution: 16:9 nHD (640 x 360 pixels) AMOLED), smooth paint job and quality build feel. First impressions have me absolutely LOVING the camera but getting annoyed at the touchscreen keyboard.
Anyway, Im leaving this post here for now, and I'll pic up some more specific looks at the N8 in the following posts.
Anything you want to know?

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