Xperia Play Screen Cracked
//thanks to the android app this is now the 3rd time I've written this. This morning, whilst sitting in the lounge a phone notification came through, so I went over the the stand that my phone was on to check it. To set the scene, this stand was a MASSIVE 2.5 foot high. As I picked up the phone, it span in my hand a little and slipped. Gravity did its thing and the phone went directly down. Opps I thought, and that was all I thought at that time. I've had many phones that I've dropped. Dropped on carpet, dropped on tarmac, dropped over 13ft from a shirt pocket up a ladder (that was a Nokia) down on to concrete ..... and they all survived with nothing more that a dint on the casing or in the case of the X6 that skipped down the tarcmac, a slight nick out the glass itself. So on to this morning. After the HUGE fall of 2 foot, clearly something met the very edge of the PLAYs screen and this happened. The hardest thing this could have hit is my pen lid, (which was metal) which ...