How to download on the Japanese PSN Welcome back Program

OK, The Japanese PSN network is finally back up after what feels like an eternity. Anyway, this is a quick run thru of what you can do to download the free games if you don't speak/read the lingo. It's pretty much exactly the same path though as the EU and US stores so you could probably figure it out, so this is just a hand. This isn't the HK store, which is slightly different. Your choice of games is 2 PS3 games from the following: The Last Guy LocoRoco Cocoreccho! echochrome WipEout HD Hustle Kings I downloaded Hustle Kings and The Last Guy as follows: Log into your Japanese PSN account. NOTE : You needed to have this account already set up prior to account before April 21, 2011. Select the highlighted link in the middle of the first screen as below Next you will come to this screen where you need to pick the PS3 games list Next, you need to access the free token by clicking this item Once you click to download that, you need to activate it as with normal purchases, its...