quick Starwood Update

So after my small rant someone at @StarwoodBuzz picked up the previous blog post and we exchanged a few quick supportive DM's:
Sorry to hear about your experience. We would like to follow up with management at the hotel. Can you DM us your stay information.
We are opening a file on this matter on your behalf. We will also follow up with the hotel to ensure your concerns are addressed.
(1/2) Hello, I've forwarded your comments to the hotel's management to assist us in resolving this situation for you. Please allow
(2/2) us up to five days for a thorough internal investigation and for an appropriate response to be provided to you.
So, all positive stuff. The 5 days begins from around Sat 29th 1054hrs but clearly I hope they can action this simple problem a bit quickly, just so as I know its been picked up. Even though the twitter stream is following 27601 twitter users they have done far better in communicating that the facebook page which only has 30,979 likes, so well done Twitter team :D
The facebook post went on before Twitter post and has had zero response :(
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